Last Weekend

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

You know how when someone asks you about your weekend and what you did you indubitably forget what you did? And it's not like it was last month or even last week, but just one whole day. The mind plays tricks I tell you. Well I was asked this question a few times since Sunday and I all I could remember was the stomachache I got Sunday night and hasn't really gone away. On a more exciting note, however, I did attend a photography conference for a good part of my Sunday.

PhotoShelter is a third party stock photo website. They also hold random things that bring photographers together with professionals in the field of photography, photojournalism, and editorials. So we bascially met for an event called "Shoot! The Day". While professionals and amateur (what I went to) met for dialogs, lectures, and a trade show, photographers all over the world were putting together pictures of "much needed shots" for stock photos. The idea was to improve the quality and art expression of stock photography. It was free and I got a free tote. I learned a lot about editorials and what kind of website you should have and not have. Plus free snacks and flavored water. All in all, a good Sunday afternoon.

Then I went to a try a new church. My friend Kerry and her roommate attend. It is called Apostles Church. It is much smaller than Redeemer and has a bit of a younger crowd. I like it a lot and the girl who I sat next to actually talked to me after the service. I went and got a cup of lemonade and a tiny cupcake and went to sit in a nearby park. The weather was so nice. As I was walking, I ran into Vincent D'Onofrio (one of the detectives on Law & Order CI and he was Edger in Men in Black), well almost ran into him. I was looking at my cupcake. I started to smile because I recognized him and I quickly looked down at the two dogs he was walking. I said hi to his cute little jack russell terrier.



Dustin said...

I've always said Vincent looks just like Nick Clay's dad. Not sure you've ever met him.

Good to know you're doing well out there kid. Keep in touch.