Day 13: First Aperture Event/Luigi

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Well since the water was going to be turned off, I got the morning off. I went in about 1pm, only to see all the other interns leave for lunch. No bother. I got the morning off :) I didn't do much today. Sent out some press announcements (took me three tries because they have a particular way of writing their letters) and updated an address list.
We had a corporate event held tonight in our gallery. One of our board members works at a law firm and so they held their annual spring reception. I basically sat behind the counter by the books in case anyone wanted to buy something. Even though I didn't know how/what to do if someone wanted to buy something. The development assistant was also there. And I ate the food and had a berry mojito. And I got paid extra for doing it.
The development assistant and I had to lock-up. We waited till the caters to cleanup and leave. Well, we were about to leave and realized we could not find Luigi. Luigi and Walker are our two cats. We have cats to keep the mice out. Luigi is a very social cat, so it's not like him to not be around the only people left in the building. We looked for that stupid cat for 20 mins. I finally went and looked by the back stock of the books, and I bent down and called his name and all of the sudden "MEOW!". I jumped sky high let me tell you. And Luigi just comes walking out like he hadn't been hiding. Stupid cat.

Behind the counter look as the party calms down

PS- Water was turned on again by 4:30pm. Crisis avoided...for tonight.