Jeffery's & Red Mango

Friday, July 25, 2008

Yesterday I went out with one of my fellow interns, Julia, after work. I wanted to go check out this fun little store I found online so she came along. Whilst walking we happened to pass this retail store called Jeffery's. She mentioned that her mother shops there and absolutely loves it. Of course, I have never heard of it so she decided to show me what it was all about.
We step in the door as the doorman holds it for us, we proceed to the Chanel makeup counter. The very nice gentleman behind the counter talks to Julia about makeup and he convinces us to let him "freshen up" our faces. We looked like movie stars. Julia bought a mascara and eyeliner. Then we go further into the store to look at shoes. We of course browse the sale racks. $400 as the average price, and at 70% too. What a steal! (cough)
Upon leaving I glance at Julia and she asked me what I thought. I told her I had never even touched shoes that were that much! She laugh with glee. She says she is going to corrupt me with designers and high priced fashion.
On to the little store where I bought nothing but really like it. Very cute and hip. This was apparently a very ritzy place to be. Next came Red Mango.
If you have ever heard of Pinkberry, this is basically the same thing. It's all the rage here and lines are out the door at Pinkberry no matter when you go. It's not frozen yogurt, but yogurt that is frozen. Are you understanding the difference? So it's healthier for you. I had strawberries and dark Ghirardelli chocolate in mine. She had mango, gramcraker and something else I can't remember. I must say, I now totally understand what all the fuss is about. I highly recommend it for the tummy, but not necessarily for the wallet.